Saturday, July 23, 2005

Information, Patterns, Articles. . . Gets the Binx-Paw stamp of approval.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Logo pattern knit into sleeve of Gray-Black-Red Silk Sweater in 1986.

This swetter was from an Annie Blatt pattern, knit in one piece starting at the sleeve cuff, up the arm, across the front and back to the other sleeve arm and down to the other cuff. Like a giant skin, then sew up the underarm and side seams and it was done. The funny thing is since it was made with silk, at a worsted weight (I bought white and dyed the lot) it didn't have the same resiliancy of wool worsted and it just kept growning. I could wear it with tights like a jumper if I had the notion. lol. I will have to get a wide angle lense if I am going to try to take a picture of the whole sweatter.

My Logo Sweater and another Mohair hat -

My Boat Neck Wool Sweater with my relief-knit Personal Logo [GS] that I have used for the past 30 years incorporated in most of my works.

Some Barbie Fashions Mom Knitted in the 1960's -

I picked you some flowers -

The watchful eyes of my apprentice, Binx.

One of my Copper Garden Fountains.

When I was a garden shop manager, my bos used to call me 'Flower Boy', my response was, "I am not 'Flower Boy', I'm "Panzy-Man!!!"

Knit Hats -

I love t knit with Mohair. I think it reminds me of the days when I had Mo-Hair!
One year I did production line Barrets. 40 in all. Here are a couple that I still have around, gave the rest away.
The hat on the Right, was knit from Mark's London Beanie Pattern.

Sampling of Scarf Warps -

The first image is the original Prismacolor Pencil Sketch of the blue, pink and gray tartan that I used to set up my warp pattern.

The Denim Quilt -

When Mom died, I was recipient of all of the denim she had saved, some since the 70's. I had no idea what I was going to do with it. Late one Summer aftrenoon on the way to the gas station to fill up the truck, I saw a sign for an estate sale and my truck automatically pulled over to the curb. In the basement was a 1909 Singer Walking Foot Industrial sewing machine, the estate was that of a sail maker and the machine was for the canvas.

I bought the machine, table and treaddle for $20.00 and home I went. The fabric told me what it wanted done, and I did it one square, one picture at a time. The hard part was trying to figure out how the pictures were going to go together. I don't do much in a 'traditional' manner, so tieing, or quilting the layers together would have been a cop-out to me. All of the material was from Jeans, the only logical artistic continuity was to use Jean Rivets like the pocket re-enforcements on Levi's Pockets and seams.
When finished, this King Sized Quilt weighed over 30 pounds. It won the People's Choice Award at Clatsop County Fair, and was 1 of only 2 quilts made by Men featured in the PBS Special, "The Oregon Quilt".

The little OLD Blog-Maker, ME!

This is the most recent picture I have of myself. For some reason, if I want a picture, I have to do it myself.

When I had a beard.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Denim Jacket Quilted Window Pane.

This is the Sterling / Amethyst Ring I made.

This is the Sterling Pin-Wheel I made for my funky old hat.

My Old Spinning Wheel -

This is my Old Spinning Wheel. I need to find the Spinner Assembly for it, or I will have to just make one. Hmmmm...