Friday, March 03, 2006

Frogged Pencil Roving Ideas

Some would call me thrifty, some would call me the cheap bastard that I am. I love wool, good wool . . . friends call me a Baaaaaad Boy, perhaps Ewe might too. Recently in my thrift shopping cirquit, I located a sweater in this wonderful white pencil roving 100% wool. I frogged it, threw some of it into sample batches of Kool-Aid, my dyestuff of choice, then carded some of it to see how the loft was.

The Blue is "Berry-Blue", the Red on the left of the ball is "Watermellon-Cherry" and the Orange is, well, I think you may have guessed, "Orange". If you want to know the basics of Kool-Aid dyeing, has it in the archives, that is where I got introduced to it, and I have played with a lot of different applications since that indocronation.

This particular wool that I frogged from the sweater cards out wonderfully, and feels like either lambswool or Merino (more like Merino, yummmmmmmm!). I like doing small batches of dyeing, then blend the batches together for the consistant inconsistancy. Looking forward to doing more with this project, as the resulting roving weighs in at just over 2 pounds avoirdupois and I think it quite a bargain at a purchase price of $6.99 US Dols.

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